Master and user tokens


All endpoints require either a master token or a user token passed as a bearer.

When using a Master token, you are the one taking actions (getting connectors, getting operation schemas etc.).

When using a user token, your end users are performing the actions (creating an auth, calling a connector etc.)

User tokens are generated using the Create User token mutation

Your master token is generated in the Tokens section under Settings in your dashboard (requires Tray Embededd admin/owner access):

master token

The following table gives a breakdown of what tokens are used for the various API endpoints:

S.No. In-App Operation Trigger (When is the API operation called) Token
1 GET existing end-users App user lands on the page master-token
2 Create new end-user User fills the form to create new user master-token
3 Create end-user token User selects an end user master-token
4 GET end user authentications User selects an end user user-token
5 GET connectors User lands up on the page master-token
6 GET connector operations User selects the connector and version user-token
7 Create new auth User clicks on the button to ‘create new auth’ master-token
8 Call connector User hits the form submit user-token